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Healthy and Safe Schools Plan

Safety First

In 2017, the Oregon State Legislature passed SB 1062, which requires that every school district, education service district, and public charter school develop a Healthy and Safe Schools Plan (HASS Plan). Each organization’s HASS Plan has specific requirements that must be included for the HASS Plan to comply with state law.

Bethel School District’s HASS Plan is linked below. It includes information on the district’s testing for lead in drinking water, its Integrated Pest Management Plan, its Radon Plan, and information on testing. Separate links are also provided for each of those aspects of the plan.

For questions about the HAAS Plan or Bethel’s implementation of the Plan’s various components, contact:

Skylar Fairfield
Bethel Assistant Maintenance Supervisor


Bethel Radon Test Results

  • Oregon law now requires school districts to conduct radon testing in their buildings in order to protect children and school staff from long-time exposure to the gas that is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. Radon comes from the natural breakdown of uranium in soil and rock. It has no smell or taste, and it cannot be seen, but it is found throughout Oregon and in all different types of buildings.

    Bethel School District conducted its testing in November and December 2020, which involved the placement of small devices in each of the frequently occupied rooms in contact with the ground. The EPA has established 4.0 picocuries per liter of air (pCi/L) as the action level for radon. The law does not require schools to reduce radon levels if they exceed the EPA action level. However, elevated radon levels in schools can often be reduced quickly with changes in ventilation.

    The results of Bethel’s radon testing are listed below. All areas indicating elevated levels of radon are scheduled to be re-tested.