Safe Routes to School is a program helping to create safe, convenient and encouraging activities for Bethel students to walk, roll and bike to and from schools. This is important for the health and safety of our students while contributing to our community’s livability.
Walking maps are available for Bethel schools. The maps are designed to help families select routes for their students to walk.
Bethel works to increase physical activity while improving walking and bicycling conditions throughout the district in partnership with our local officials. Program elements of Safe Routes to School are based upon national best practices related to the 6 E’s.
EQUITY – We strive to distribute resources and educational opportunities equitably across the district and incorporate equity into each of the other E’s listed below.
EDUCATION – Pedestrian Safety Education for second graders and Bicycle Safety Education for fifth graders are offered in classrooms.
ENCOURAGEMENT – Bike + Walk to School Day and May is Bike Month activities are available to students; resources for transportation options such as carpooling, Walking School Buses, Park and Stride, and Bike Trains are available for interested parties.
ENGAGEMENT – Creating opportunities for engagement and input into Safe Routes programming and initiatives by listening to students, families, teachers, and school leaders and working with existing community organizations. Ideas or proposals for programs are welcome.
ENGINEERING – Improvements to the built environment are studied and coordination with local jurisdictions happen for things such as; traffic signals, traffic calming, pedestrian crossings, sidewalks, bicycle parking and signage when funds are available.
EVALUATION – Classroom tallies and parent surveys are used to determine needs and program effectiveness.
A group of children walking to school with one or more adults is called a Walking School Bus. Clear Lake Elementary principal John Luhman showed how easy it is by inviting students to walk to school with him.
Dr. Rachel Tochen
541-688-9612 Ext. 3212
Please contact us!