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Prior Bond Projects

  • It is only a matter of weeks until Bethel’s new schools open up to students. And there was a milestone event that took place at the very top of one school. Construction project manager Pat Bradshaw takes you there.

  • A group of people are gathered in front of a building.

    Bethel School District has lived up to its word.

    The district promised frugal use of taxpayer dollars to build attractive, efficient, long-lasting and effective places for kids to learn, and that is what is being delivered.

    After more than a year of construction, Bethel’s new school buildings are ready for students.

    Ribbon-cutting celebrations are scheduled for Malabon and Fairfield Elementary Schools Thursday, September 3rd. Each school is combining the ceremony with its annual Meet The Teacher Night; Malabon’s at 5:30 and Fairfield’s at 6:30.

    After a moment of hesitation, the ribbon gave way for the opening of the new Willamette science and office complex.

    Both events are open to the public, with an opportunity to tour the beautiful new schools.

    The ribbon-cutting for Willamette’s new science and office complex drew a large crowd, with students mingling in the building with long-time community members.

    Final touches are taking place at all the schools, with landscaping being the last phase of the projects to be completed.

  • The work that began in Bethel a year and a half ago is nearly complete. School building projects at Willamette, Malabon and Fairfield are wrapping up. Project Manager Pat Bradshaw has the latest.

  • Two men are installing a metal fence.

    Installers with Island Fence adjust one of the gates now in place at Willamette High School. The powder-coated iron fence will help enhance security at Wil-Hi

    An extra measure of safety is now visible at Willamette, Shasta, and Irving schools. A six foot powder-coated fence is in place at each school to better secure each campus.

    At Danebo Elementary the open breezeways are being closed off with a wall and lockable doors. That will stop the free flow of foot traffic during the school day and after hours.

    These measures are helping each school meet the standards of safety that are common at today’s schools, which call for visitors to go through the front office before being able to access the rest of the campus. School safety was not much of an issue back when Willamette, Shasta, Irving and Danebo were designed and built.

    This enhanced security measure is made possible by the Bethel bond, passed by Bethel voters with a 73% Yes vote in 2012.

  • We just passed the three year anniversary of the passage of the Bethel bond measure that continues to deliver for children throughout the school district.

    In one last video construction update, Bond Project Manager Pat Bradshaw directs his thanks to where it’s deserved.

  • The bond measure that Bethel voters overwhelmingly passed in November 2012 continues to provide promised improvements throughout the district.

    • Thousands of new Math textbooks will be delivered soon for all students in every school.
    • New pour-in-place soft playground surfaces have been installed at Danebo, Clear Lake and Irving elementary schools.
    • New energy efficient windows and doors are going in at Shasta Middle School.
    • Carpet has been installed at Irving, Shasta and Willamette High School.
    • Willamette’s cafeteria is being remodeled for improved atmosphere and efficiency.
    • The restrooms at WHS are undergoing a long-awaited renovation.
    • The well-used gym floors at Willamette are being repaired and refinished.
    • Preserving our facilities, a new roof is being installed over the entire Math wing at Wil-Hi.

    Soon to come are security fencing at Willamette, Shasta, Danebo and Irving, all thanks to voters who approved the the Bethel bond with a 73% Yes vote.

  • The Bethel Bond Measure was passed during the last presidential election nearly four years ago.

    Project Manager Pat Bradshaw explains how the Bond continues to provide improvements for Bethel students, with more yet to come.

  • Four and a half years after the voter-approved Bethel Bond Measure, improvements are still taking place throughout the district. Bond Project Manager Pat Bradshaw takes us on a tour of the projects underway this summer.

  • All Bethel residents should know how their Bond Measure dollars are being spent in Bethel School District. It has been nearly 5 years since Bethel voters approved the Bethel school bond with a 73% Yes vote.

    While it did not increase anyone’s tax rate, the Bethel Bond still provided: Enhanced security, two new elementary schools, a state-of-the-art high school science complex, updated textbooks and computers, replacement roofs/windows/carpet/playgrounds, and much more.

    Thanks to very careful spending along the way, there are additional improvements that were able to be completed this summer. Project Manager Pat Bradshaw gives us a tour.


  • Published December 18, 2019
    With very careful spending, thoughtful planning and watchful oversight, Bethel School District has stretched its dollars from the 2012 School Bond.

    Click here for a list of all the Bond projects. (PDF)

    Bethel residents received a promise from the School District that it would be reliable caretakers of Bond funds. That promise has been kept.

    Without increasing anyone’s tax rate, the 2012 Bethel Bond still brought improvements to every Bethel school, constructed two new elementary schools and a state-of-the-art high school science complex, improved safety, updated textbooks and computers, and so much more.

    Nearly all the 2012 Bond money has now been spent. Here’s a look at the very latest projects that have recently been completed.